Monday, May 25, 2020
Communication Is Essential For Business As Well As...
Communication is essential to business as well as interpersonal relationships. The ability to express oneself with coherence and cogency is of the utmost importance to your professional and personal success. Effective communication solves and also prevents problems. Think back to all those times you endured a conflict with a person or institution as a result of poor communication or a complete lack of communication. When people are not sure what others mean, intend or desire, they are inclined to make a mistake or do something to create an uncomfortable conflict with the other party. The communication tips outlined below will help you express your thoughts and feelings in clear terms that leave no room for interpretation. The end result†¦show more content†¦Start at the beginning by introducing the topic so you can properly set the stage for your thoughts, feelings and anything else you desire to communicate. Do not lose sight of the fact that most people live incredibly bus y lives. The typical professional is extremely busy and will require a detailed explanation of the what of the matter before he can properly analyze your opinion, thoughts, feelings etc. So be specific. Do not use general words like â€Å"thing†or â€Å"it†to express yourself. These terms are much too vague. Such overly broad terms will only waste time by confusing the other party and forcing you to rehash your statement with clearer terms. 2. Key in on Which Specificity is of the utmost importance in verbal and written communication. Though the which of the matter might not be of critical importance in each communication, you should ponder whether you are narrowing in on the exact subject you desire to communicate about. Otherwise, you will leave the other party confused. Zero in on specific subjects rather than assuming your audience will understand what you mean. In reality, using phrases like â€Å"the next one†or â€Å"the other one†only makes it that much more difficult for listeners and readers to understand what you really mean. 3. Focus on the Who of the Matter Be crystal clear as to who you are attempting to address, who else is involved in the communication and who you are. Do not use vagueShow MoreRelatedHow Employees Can Work And Progress Relationships With Managers1669 Words  | 7 Pages For business, retaining clients are the main ambition because the profits of the business will continue to grow through the loyalty of customers. Communication skills are one of the essential parts of leading people to work successfully in the relationships with co-workers as well as clients in their commercial enterprises. Therefore, interacting with management, clients and team members in the workplace can help in order to enhance the interest of the business. 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To be a successful and beneficial member of your workplace it is essential that you become skilled in all of the various ways of communication that are appropriate. The reason of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and with certainty. Doing this includes effort from both the one sending the message and the one receiving it. And it s a procedure that can be filled with error, with messages often misunderstood by
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of John Steinbeck s The Salad Bowl Essay
Blood On The Leaves or Blood In The Fields When viewers think of Salinas, California they usually picture its fertile fields and lush central coast. The usual ethnic presence you see around Salinas is Hispanic people since two-thirds of the population is of Mexican descent. Salinas has always been viewed as a small town, prominently as a farming area known for vegetables and salad greens. Very often, you’re almost certainly eating something that is from or around the area. Furthermore, since so many vegetables are produced here locals nicknamed Salinas â€Å"The Salad Bowl†. Few people actually know Salas is the birthplace of famous author John Steinbeck, who happens to mention this small town quite often. Although Salinas, California is rich in land and value it is also known as a headquarters of two deadly prison gangs. More recently, this farming community has begun to see a lot of change for the past twenty-five years. As the population continued to grow, the violence also grew with it. Now many of th e neighboring towns just see Salinas as a deadly war zone being fought on the streets. As a viewer from the neighboring town of Watsonville, we need this community to find peace of mind, and stop gang violence from spilling into their community. Since the 1990’s the community of Salinas sadly buried hundreds of young men and women, many of them due to gang-related homicides or innocent victims caught in the war zone’s crossfire. From 2009 to present day, Salinas,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Gender Equality Essay - 1347 Words
A Rhetorical Analysis of Gender Equality Gender Equality is a big issue throughout the world, but what exactly is it? Well to answer that, it is the view that everyone should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on gender. Today, most women are getting treated differently compared to men. Whether it is based on pay gap, power, or strength the problem comes up. Men think they are stronger and better than women and this upsets women because it makes them feel like they don’t have a place in this world. This is where feminism comes into place. I chose this topic because I can relate to it more than the racial option, although now it could be about the same. In this analysis paper, I will be discussing the issue of gender equality that is being argues by two different authors. There are two different articles that I will be using, where they both contradict each other, and one is highly stronger than other because of their credibility. â€Å"Moving beyond pain†by Bell Hooks uses different sources compared to â€Å"Gender Equality is a Myth†by Beyoncà © Knowles. The authors use different credible techniques to state a stronger argument, but also in some they use rhetorical appeals in the same way. Both of them show their knowledge on the topic of gender equality, except one uses more of a source that could be true, unlike the other one, it all depends on how a person praises the author. As most of us know, Beyoncà © Knowles-Carter is a well-known artist. SheShow MoreRelatedWomen s Roles Of Reproduction1466 Words  | 6 Pagesrhetoric theory focused on combining personal, sexual, and social struggles and viewing them as indivisibly linked. Female rhetoricians criticized the dual work performed by women at home and outside, demanded for equality in wages for equal work, and asked for the dismantling of the gender divisions of the labor market and educational systems. These issues were covered by Rowbotham (1972) in Women, Resistance and Revolution and Davis (1981) in Women, Race and Class. These authors came to the conclusionRead MoreInjustices of Women of Color by Sojourner Truth in Speech, Aint I Woman1325 Words  | 6 Pageswill make an effort to explore the ways she utilizes rhetorical methods as a means to accomplish a victorious and compelling delivery of her message. In this analysis, I will talk about the way Sojourner draws on her own individual experi ences evoke an emotional reaction from her audience, relating with the women and mothers equally. She also utilizes repetitive and rhetorical questioning in hopes to counter challenging opinions for gender equality. In the conclusion of her speech, Sojourner makes biblicalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Fundamental Principle Of A Republic1027 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of â€Å"The Fundamental Principle of a Republic†Ignorant women are not so ignorant after all. Women in the United States fought for over twenty years, from 1895 to 1915, for women’s suffrage. Women never gave up and showed their strength by overcoming any obstacle that tried to stop them from voting. Anna Howard Shaw was a one of the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States. 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Watson had pre-prepared this speech, as it was performed for the HeForShe campaign at the UN Headquarters, in New York. Alongside Tim Collins’ speech to the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment, in Iraq, 2003 – of which was an eve-of-battle rousting and of whichRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of AinT I A Woman1035 Words  | 5 Pages[Yunus Sanni] English 1020 Campbell [6 oct 2017] Rhetorical Analysis of [â€Å"I Ain’t a woman†by Sojourner Truth] Aint I a Woman? ,the name given to a speech, delivered extemporaneously, by Sojourner Truth, (1797–1883),she gave this speech to the Women’s Convention of 1851, she speaks on the inequalities that women and blacks faced at that time in America. she uses rhetorical strategies in order to achieve a successful and powerful delivery of her message.Sojourner uses personal experiencesRead MoreEssay On Gender Inequality1137 Words  | 5 PagesHave you ever thought about equality around the world? I would like to say that everyone is completely equal but sadly that is not true. In the past several years you have probably heard a lot about gender inequality. In 2014 statistics have shown that women make around 79 cents to a man’s dollar. Through a rhetorical analysis of Audi’s 2017 Super Bowl commercial ‘Daughter’ they inform their buyers of the gender inequality around the world and to inform them that they are a fair and equal companyRe ad MoreThe Work Of Maria Del Mar Alonso Almeida1390 Words  | 6 Pages(Economist, 2011). Such wage differentials have been a cause of gender inequality and thereby segregation in the workforce across the globe. The staggering numbers of economic contributions of women compared to men has however, highlighted that there are fewer women to men ratios in the workforce due to the where we live, maternal implications (pregnancies), upbringing and education. This is seen in the caricature of women in the rhetorical analysis in the work of Maria del Mar Alonso-Almeida in her articleRead MoreAnthony s Fight For Equal Rights1481 Words  | 6 Pagesand a revitalizing culture shock to the rest of society. Anthony’s speech became a momentous achievement to the National Woman’s Suffrage Association whom of which began slowly paving the way for equality of the genders. She made her speech memorable through witty remarks and cleverly placed rhetorical devices; her points simple and driven all governed by the law; should have a say in the law. Anthony successfully won the approval she craved, feeding the movement she so vigorously strived to preserveRead MoreI Have a Dream: Rhetorical Ana lysis865 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"I Have a Dream†Rhetorical Analysis Five elements of rhetoric: * Speaker: Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia, who was inspired by Christianity and Gandhi. * Audience: Primarily African-Americans were present at the speech, but it was heard by many white Americans across the country. * Subject: A call for an end to racism in the United States. * Context: The speech was given on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, in a time where it was very difficult
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Technical Report Design and Evaluation
Question: Discuss about the Technical Report for Design and Evaluation. Answer: Introduction Heliostat is such a device that can track automatically the sun because it constantly reflects the sunlight to any destination as well as moves across the sky. This report is aimed to depict the design of the Heliostat prototype. Therefore, this report discusses the process of implementation of the prototype. On the other hand, the materials or things necessary for the prototype implementation are also aimed to be identified in this report. Furthermore, the details of the prototype function is also aimed to be discussed in this study. Process of Implementing Prototype Heliostat is such a device that can track automatically the sun because it constantly reflects the sunlight to any destination as well as moves across the sky (Chen et al. 2012). The design or the implementation of this prototype can be done through few steps. These are as follows: Wind Loading The wind measurement data can be retrieved from the anemometer placed at the Northeast direction in terms of setting the requirements of the operational wind speed (Monterreal et al. 2015). Therefore in this design phase, the adjacent roof was utilized. The time-averaged data can be yielded for an entire year whereas the anemometer can be yielded per minute. Heliostat Prototypes This system needs two orthogonal degrees in terms of reflecting constantly the solar irradiance onto a target or the receiver. The first prototype includes the tracking mechanism of a fixed horizontal system whereas the second one utilizes an azimuth elevation tracking mechanism. Tracking Mechanisms The secondary axis rotates around the horizontal axis in an AE configuration whereas the primary rotational axis rotates around a particular vertical axis (Meng et al. 2015). The arrangement operates typically with the two drives of orthogonal rotary or the combination of a linear as well as rotary drive. Drives Planetary gearbox, slewing drive as well as an off-the-shelf with the combined ratio of reduction of 35650:1 was utilized for the azimuth drive in the mechanism of AE tracking. Facet The aspect ratio as well as the size of facet has been determined as the size of the standard glass sheet about 1830 x 1220 mm (Meng, You, and Dubowsky 2014). Materials necessary to implement a Prototype In order to implement the entire heliostat prototype, there are few significant materials would be utilized. These materials can be categorized in two aspects such as the software design aspects as well as the hardware design aspects (Chen et al. 2012). The mirrors, standard steel sections, the off-the-shelf drive systems would be utilized as the core materials for implementing as well as designing this Heliostat prototype due to the time constraint as well as the requirements of the project. In implementing this prototype, the stepper motor has also been utilized for driving the altitude and the azimuth axes (Cheng, Lin and Tai 2014). Steeper motor would be used to implement this heliostat prototype. Apart from that, This particular prototype has been implemented by utilizing a worm gear of single stage 100 to 1 with the 200 step per revolution stepper motor for each of the axes. On the other hand, in case of the software design, two frames of reference have also been in the heliost at calibration those are named as the sun earth as well as the mirror frames (Chen et al. 2014). Most importantly, an open source software such as the HOpS software or the Heliostat Optics Simulation can be utilized for experimenting with different field configurations for the tower height as well as the heliostat placement together with the expected aiming error and the heliostat kinematics. Details of the Prototype Function Heliostat is such a device that can track automatically the sun because it constantly reflects the sunlight to any destination as well as moves across the sky. The implementation of the Heliostat prototype is very much important for the huge scale of solar collection system like the central receiver system. The aperture of the system as well as the area of solar intake is directly proportional to the total solar energy (Rossi et al. 2014). On the other hand, as per the major functionality or thee feature of this particular prototype, it can be evaluated that the possibility to control various heliostats with a unique engine is the significant feature of this prototype. Apart from that, the implementation or the design of the huge number of the heliostats can easily ensure the the high ratio of concentration without the necessary of the surfaces those are curved as well as reflective (Cheng, Lin and Tai 2014). The compensation as well as the calibration must be automatically accomplis hed in terms of reducing the maintenance and the installation costs as well due to a huge number of heliostats. In other words, it must be stated that the proper as well as the intelligent techniques of compensation and the calibration as well can easily obtain the required accuracy. Cost Estimation The table provided below portrays an estimation of costs of the materials those are required for implementing the heliostat prototype. Cost estimation for the Materials Required for Heliostat Design Materials Estimated Cost ($) Need Per ($) Net Cost Mirror 10 1 $10.00 worm gears 100 2 $200.00 CNC machine 120 1 $120.00 Off-the-shelf drive systems 50 2 $100.00 Standard steel sections 10 2 $20.00 Stepper Motor 125 1 $125.00 Plywood 25 1 $25.00 Gimbal Mount 30 1 $30.00 Steper Motor Controllers 110 2 $220.00 Lead Screws 5 10 $50.00 Support Frame 10 2 $20.00 EAD Motors 70 1 $70.00 Misc 40 $40.00 TOTALS (Automatically Calculated) $1,030.00 Table 1: Budget for prototype design (Created By Author) Conclusion This entire report has successfully depicted the complete idea regarding the Heliostat Prototype with the appropriate functionalities of this prototype as well as the proper cost estimation for the design in terms of budget. Most importantly, this project has successfully portrayed the basic idea regarding the implementation process of this prototype. References Chen, D., Yin, J., Chen, K., Zhao, K. and Zhang, B., 2014. Prototype design and experimental study on locust air-posture righting.Journal of Bionic Engineering,11(3), pp.459-468. Chen, Y.T., Chong, K.K., Lim, C.S., Lim, B.H., Tan, K.K., Aliman, O., Bligh, T.P., Tan, B.K. and Ismail, G., 2012. Report of the first prototype of non-imaging focusing heliostat and its application in high temperature solar furnace.Solar Energy,72(6), pp.531-544. Cheng, Y.T., Lin, J.H. and Tai, C.C., 2014, August. A Prototype Design of a Continuous and Real-Time Wireless Urine Monitoring System. InIntelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), 2014 Tenth International Conference on(pp. 29-32). IEEE. Meng, L., You, Z. and Dubowsky, S., 2014, July. Tailored compliance for adaptive solar energy heliostats with experimental validation. In2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(pp. 32-37). IEEE. Meng, L., You, Z., Dubowsky, S., Li, B. and Xing, F., 2015. A Design Study of an Off-axis Paraboloid Shaping Method for Central Receiver System Heliostats.Energy Procedia,69, pp.158-167. Monterreal, R., Garcia, G., Romero, M. and Barrera, G., 2015. Development and Testing of a 100 m^ 2 Glass-Metal Heliostat With a New Local Control System.Solar engineering, pp.251-260. Rossi, S., Patki, S., Passoni, M., Perko, H., Gritsch, G., Ossenblok, P. and Yazicioglu, R.F., 2014, August. High density wireless EEG prototype: Design and evaluation against reference equipment. In2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(pp. 5776-5779). IEEE.
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