Friday, December 27, 2019
The Epidemic of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Essay
The human brain is extremely complex, top scientists and surgeons still struggle to comprehend how it works. The way that the brain can process information and help a person to problem solve is amazing, but another part of the brain can hold memories. Some are good--like a memory of a family vacation or of family holidays--but there are also frightening memories that can haunt a person until his or her death, if they don’t get help. For a very long time researchers have focused on combatant PTSD, for very good reason, but now a problem has risen among civilians, and they have not been focused on the growth of PTSD right here in regular everyday people’s lives. Not just soldiers can be affected; civilian men, women, and children can be†¦show more content†¦So what is the point of having a near perfect military if we don’t have a mentally stable country? PTSD is defined as moments where a person feels extreme terror, horror, or even when they could feel hopeless. Children, who may already feel like they can’t do anything, can have worse reactions to situations like domestic violence. A child witnessing or even being a victim of domestic violence can feel hopeless, useless or really any of the traumatic feelings from above and can develop PTSD. In a study about domestic violence exposure to kids they found that when boys encountered abuse they reacted more strongly than the girls did, even if girls reacted differently in other non-violence related instances (Evans). A different study in South Africa showed that kids who witnessed or who were the victims of domestic violence were more likely to get married later on in their life, and what they had went through as a child, could haunt them or their families for their entire life. It could even transfer over to their kids, and keep the cycle going for generations to come. These k ids were also more likely to not graduate from high school. Which can keep them from getting important jobs to be able to take care of their families. These kids suffered from depression as well as PTSD. The danger of suicide is present in the lives of some of these children (Marais). It isnt right for them to go through this, especially while they are so young and impressionable. Adults haveShow MoreRelatedPTSD Research Paper1674 Words  | 7 PagesIII Honors 7 April 2014 Living with Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder Today, hundreds of thousands of service men and women and recent military veterans have seen combat. Many have been shot at, seen their buddies killed, or witnessed death up close. These are types of events that can lead to Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD: A Growing Epidemic. â€Å") Anyone that has gone through a traumatic event can be diagnosed with PTSD but research shows, military men andRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )962 Words  | 4 PagesPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a relatively new name for a condition that has bedeviled veterans of the military service members throughout the history of warfare. It has taken people around the world, especially within the military branches an exceptionally long time to understand and face the reality of a growing epidemic known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The best and ideal starting point to understand PTSD would be by raising the question, what is PTSD? Acco rding to physiologicalRead MoreHell And Back Again : Movie Analysis1208 Words  | 5 Pagesprovides important insights for exploring the experiences of veterans in light of their traumatic experiences, symptomology, diagnosis, their response, and recovery process. Assessment of the Traumatic Experience The movie Hell and Back Again adopts an original conceit that distinguishes it from the numerous combat documentaries that have been performed in the past 10 years (Kohn, 2011). It depicts the traumatic experiences of Sgt. Nathan Harris during two decisive periods in his life. These twoRead MorePtsd, The Price Of Freedom785 Words  | 4 PagesPTSD, the Price of Freedom Freedom bears a heavy price. Many soldiers pay with their lives, while others relive the sights, sounds, and terror of combat. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects thousands of American veterans each year. Is PTSD simply a weakness, or is it an epidemic? Though historically, the validity of PTSD has been argued, the pain is real, and there is a diagnosis to prove it. Combat-related PTSD stems from witnessing the suffering and death of others, and the exposureRead More Implications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans1577 Words  | 7 PagesImplications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans War is a complex concept that is increasingly difficult to understand, particularly in an age that allows for live images of combat to be beamed around the world. Many war films depict the brutalities of war and affects war has on participants, but it seems that these representations merely skim the surface. The 20th century is an era that saw a significant amount of military action: World Wars I and II, the Cold War, VietnamRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )783 Words  | 4 Pagesheavy price. Many soldiers pay with their lives, while others relive the sights, sounds, and terror of combat. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects thousands of American veterans and their families each year. Is PTSD simply a weakness, or is it an epidemic? Though historically, the validity of PTSD was argued, the pain is real, and there is a diagnosis to prove it. Combat-related PTSD stems from witnessing the suffering and death of others, and the exposure of destruction, personal danger,Read MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder: Will Help Finally Come? Essay example1206 Words  | 5 PagesPTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has always been an issue especially with those that have experienced sexual assault, a traumatic accident or injury, being a prisoner of war, or participated in combat. Sadly, ever since the Iraq war, PTSD has been becoming even more widespread. Soldiers have been diagnosed with chronic PTSD and the medication has not been helping. PTSD causes a variety types of symptoms including: flashbacks, nightmares, recurring visual images of the traumatic experience, negativeRead MorePtsd, The Price Of Freedom Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesPTSD, the Price of Freedom The freedoms Americans enjoy come at a price; brave military men and women often foot the bill. Many men and women pay with their lives; others relive sights, sounds, and terror of combat in the form of PTSD. There are several causes and risk factors for the development of PTSD. Combat-related PTSD appears slightly different than traditional PTSD. History tells of times when soldiers diagnosed with PTSD were viewed as â€Å"weak.†Resources have not always been available toRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Ptsd1434 Words  | 6 Pagescountlessly suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and develop self destructive behaviors such as an eating disorder. When in harm’s way, you have two responses, commonly known as â€Å"flight-or-flight.†You are either going to avoid danger or face it head on. With PTSD, this recoil of a decision is altered or impaired. PTSD is established when a terrifying incident places you in jeopardy of being harmed, which later interf eres with a person’s life or health. With many PTSD patients, they have developedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1388 Words  | 6 PagesAuthor Carl-John X. Veraja once stated â€Å" The world has PTSD. It is a veteran a blown mind, having flashbacks as it begs the Sun for one more go-round. †This statement uses the Earth and orbit of the Sun as a metaphorical representation of the constant struggle that veterans and non-veterans face daily due to PTSD. PTSD or formally known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is known as, â€Å"†¦a psychiatric disorder that can occurs following the experiences or witnessing of a life-threatening events such
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Friendship As A Small Group Of Friends - 853 Words
Friendship in Life Since I can remember I have always been a girl with a small group of friends. In my school years I would usually hang out with only 2-3 girls in my classroom, and it has always been that way ever since. I’m a very shy and quiet person; for that reason I’ve always preferred a small group of friends. Throughout the years, I’ve lost some friends on the way but I have also kept some good friends, and refer them more as best friends. Friendship has become a big part of my life, and it has taught me what friendship really is and who has been my real friends. Once I graduated from high school, I moved to Racine WI, to attend college and continue working as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. Thanks to that job, I met a girl that till this day has been a great friend; I can honestly say she’s like a sister to me. At first, we would just work together a couple times a week, but later on we began hanging out together outside of work. When that sta rted, I just began to trust her more and learned a lot from her in how she is. Since I met her, she’s the type of girl who can easily be talked to, she would get you comfortable talking to her and she would always make you laugh at the moment you meet her. She’s very outgoing girls who even though we have been through a lot together we have managed to still continue being great friends. After knowing her for a couple years we became closer and closer, we have our differences, but we have learned a lot from each other.Show MoreRelatedCommunication and Friendship1593 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween the two main characters is a friendship, which begins with one boy who is desperate for friends and another who is searching for The Sandlot’s last teammate. The friendship between Benny and Small’s is an accurate depiction of the development of friendship in real life. In the movie, Scotty Smalls (Smalls) moves to a new neighborhood. One of his new neighbors happ ens to be the best baseball player in the neighborhood, Benny, who eventually teaches Smalls how to catch and throw so that theRead MoreThe Meaning of Friendship1710 Words  | 7 PagesInstructor Name Course Name Date Meaning of Friendship The term friendship is perhaps the most common term in the conversation of every individual, but there would be hardly few individuals who have ever tried to think how and under what circumstances this term was originated. Similarly, people seldom think about the meaning of this commonly used term. It is really difficult to find somebody who can define what a real friend is. These facts make friendship an excessively vibrant relationship and perhapsRead MorePsychology Tma021554 Words  | 7 PagesCompare and Contrast the approach to studying children’s friendships taken in the Bigelow and La Gaipa (1975) study with that taken by William Corsaro. In this essay you will read about the many similarities and differences of the study and research of children’s friendships expectations, which were approached by Bigelow and La Gaipa (1975) and William Corsaro (2006). Firstly I will introduce both of the different approaches and methods and I will then later go into the results of their work.Read MoreImportance Of Small Community Culture706 Words  | 3 Pagesparticular society, group, place, or time. Culture is an important part of smaller communities. I come from Hot Springs, Montana and its population is roughly 500 people, to put that into perspective, you pretty much couldn’t go to the grocery store to local coffee shop without seeing everyone and their brother. The small community culture is something that has had a major positive influence on my life. One of the impacts it has had on my life is the importance of friendships. Going through highRead MoreHow Does Communication Affect Relationships Change?1437 Words  | 6 Pages intensifying, differentiating, and terminating. In the sixth grade my soon-to-be best friend moved from out of state to my hometown. As the teacher assigned her a seat near me, I decided it would be friendly to wave to her as she walked over. This was when our relationship entered the initiating stage because I made contact with her through a wave. Although waving is not a difficult task, it showed my friend that I was friendly and interested in getting to know her. Over the course of the day weRead MoreHow Social Media Helps Maintain And Grow Friendships1091 Words  | 5 PagesFrequent interaction helps maintain and grow friendships. However, the demands of a career and/or raising a family might leave little time for visiting with friends. A change in geography (for such reasons as health, career, or school) might result in excessive time passing between get-togethers. Social media helps maintain the bonds of a relationship by facilitating communication and can establish new friendships. Circumstances can prevent face-to-face interactions. Waiting until we see someoneRead MoreAristotle s Theory Of Friendship1415 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstood this, he even had his own analysis of friendship. In the Nicomachean Ethics written by Aristotle, books VIII and IX are based off of friendship. Today, the definition of a friend is, â€Å"A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations (Oxford Dictionary).†To Aristotle, friendship is much more than this. In this research paper, I will evaluate whether or not Aristotle’s analysis of friendship is applicable to the modern world. AristotleRead MoreMixed Sex Friendship Groups Among Early Adolescents969 Words  | 4 Pages1. The main purpose of the study was to examine the development of mixed-sex friendship groups among early adolescents. The study also focused on comparing mixed-sex friendship groups with alcohol use, cigarette use, and delinquency. 2. The author had hypothesized that mixed-sex friendship groups lead to high levels of cigarette use, alcohol use, and delinquency among adolescents. 3. The participants involved in the study were male and females adolescents. The study had begun when students wereRead MoreHow to find friends online?1526 Words  | 7 Pages How to find friends online? If you believe the movies, you can always find friends, at any age, anywhere and everywhere. The path to friendship is not easy, movie characters are going through a lot of adventures together. The latest version of the Internet, suitable for everyone. Although many people say that the internet no one is sincere. But I do not agree with that and I think that on the contrary. The Internet can find a friend with the same interests, like-mindedRead MoreAristotle s Philosophy On The View Of Friendship818 Words  | 4 Pagesbook describes the view of friendship. He also describes three different type of friendship, which in reality is exactly how friendship is in today society. The question while reading this information is what is friendship in Aristotle point of view? Aristotle believes that there are three different kinds of friendship; that of utility, friendship of pleasure, and virtuous friendship. In his book he describe exactly what each type of friendship really is. Friendship that is of utility is where
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Music dates back Essay Example For Students
Music dates back Essay I believe that mankinds best company in good times as well as bad times has been music. People say that music is a way of life and to a certain extent I believe so. Music dates back to the time since mankind walked the Earth. A simple rhythmic beat is also music. In this essay I am going to relate music with the areas and ways of knowledge. There are uncountable genres of music in this world. Therefore our perception plays an important role as to which genre we listen to. The music that I may listen to may be old or too vulgar for another person, thus we must learn to respect each others choice. Loud music may also be considered as a nuisance to old people as it disturbs them, perception is a unique characteristic trait of every individual. Very often artists convey their life emotions in their songs. Maybe the artist has been touched by some event that may be ordinary to anyone of us but has changed the viewpoint towards life of the author. Songs such as Your Beautiful by James Blunt express the artists feelings for his first girlfriend. Hip-hop and rap songs such as Asian Pride(Got Rice) by AZN express the common views of an entire continent. Songs such as Mocking Bird by Eminem express the authors concern for the life of his daughter. Moreover, whenever we hear such songs we can relate to the feelings and emotions the artist has been through. I think that it is very important for us to convey our emotions to the rest of the world and we should not bottle them up, according to me the best and most effective way of doing so is through a song or music. Mankind always gains inspiration from an object uses this inspiration to create something. Therefore mostly there is a reason for artists to write a particular song. Some do it for money, some for fame, some for passion and there are uncountable reasons for us to write a song. Songs such as Pehla Nasha have been written that convey the artists first love. The reason I feel as to why we listen to music is because we want to escape into a different world in which we can chose to listen to what we want. Another reason is that music tends to calm your mind and helps you to relax better. Furthermore, with the unimaginable number of dialects in this world the language in which music is created varies. It is obvious for us to listen to music in the language that we understand. For me this is Hindi and English. But it is not necessary for us to only listen to what we understand; sometimes we may just be fans of a particular songs that is sung in another language. Language plays an important role in the music we listen to and effects the way we think and has gives us an all-round persona. If we listen to abusive language, it will become part of our daily vocabulary. The effect that it has on us is that we become more rebellious and aggressive. On the other hand if we listen to calm, slow music our mind-set has changed to becoming more understanding and helpful. It is essential for us to understand the music we listen to. This can be made easier if we have Knowledge about the life of the artist and what prompted him to make that particular track. Sharing knowledge only expands our horizon to different levels. Ethics govern our life. In the past complains have been made by parents that their children are exposed to vulgarity and abusive language too soon by listening to music and this has had a disastrous effect in the upbringing of the child. .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .postImageUrl , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:hover , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:visited , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:active { border:0!important; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:active , .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232 .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0832aa7a72ef4d1fc1252c1d95b36232:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music and Critical Thinking Questions EssayI agree with this point and believe that certain tracks must be either censored or banned from being sold to minors. Science and technology is changing this world faster than ever before. Today the mp3 player has caused a boom in the music industry. The i-pod enables a person to carry upto 10,000 tracks or more with him in his pocket. As a result more and more people are getting engrossed on listening to music and has made it as or even more important than a mobile phone. I would like to conclude by saying that music is my passion and more and more people understand the underling meaning of the music they listen to. Music is yo ur friend you can gain inspiration from it, generate ideas from it, have fun with it and learn for it. We must remember music is part of our life and not make our life part of music.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
October Sky Summary Essay Example
October Sky Summary Paper The story told In Joe Johnnys film October Sky (1999) Is a beautiful one and a true one. I was really enthusiastic to watch this movie, because I love to watch movies based on true stories. I find they teach us many lesson through their experiences. The four teenage boys Homer Hickman, Question Wilson, Roy Lee Cooke, and Sherman ODell are very devoted to fulfill their dream of rocketry. The boys are first inspired by the Sputnik 1, the first satellite launched into the earths orbit. But everyone in the town of Coaled is destined to become coal-miners, unless they are lucky enough to et a football scholarship. To everyone coal-mining was Homers only future, Just like his father. Homer and his friends fearlessly begin learning how to build rockets and testing them. The whole town is not behind them and believe theyre wasting their time, especially Homers father John Hickman. The only one who strongly supports them is their teacher, Miss. Riley. She tells them that they can contend in The National Science Fair. The prize being college scholarships. By examining their experience you learn a lot about striving to achieve a goal, no matter what the odds. Homer has always rebelled against the coalmine and his fathers wishes. He Is very hopeful for his dream of doing rocket science and wont stop until he reaches it. He cares a lot for his family and the people around him, especially Miss. Riley. When Homers father got injured and couldnt work in the mine temporarily, Homer understood that he had to give up his dream and work in his fathers place. We will write a custom essay sample on October Sky Summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on October Sky Summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on October Sky Summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer But it is until Miss. Riley grow sick and Homer visits her, then she tells him Sometime you really cant listen to what anybody else says, you Just got to listen inside. His ambition is renewed. Homer leaves the mine and continues to go into The National Science Fair, he get excepted. He ends up winning the gold metal, and he and his friends all earn scholarships. Miss. Riley has always been such a support for Homer. She always stuck out for him in the hopes that he would make a difference. When the boys were in the lunchroom looking at their rocket, the principal didnt allow the rocket in his school. Miss. Riley covered for them saying they were planning to enter The National Science Fair. She brought hope to the boys, even though they didnt seem like the smartest kids around. She never stop at anything even as she was dieing and Homer seemed to have given up his dreams. As for John Hickman he did not support Homer in any of his efforts. In fact he was against him. The only thing that seemed Important to him was his pride, the coalmine, and Coaled. When Homer lets go of his dreams to work in the mine John was very proud and begins to finally prelate but when Homer goes on continuing rocketry he doesnt support him at all. Until his wife, Elsie begs him while the strike Is going on to help Homer when his rocket part were stolen in the science fair. John Bolder Dont you have work to do? John learns that going difficulties and even scaring his pride is important to achieve his goals. After Homer goes home he and the boys decide to shoot their last rocket. Homer asks his father if he would come watch them shoot their last rocket, but he excuses him for his work. Then Homer tells him l only hope I could as good as a man as you are Sure Dry von Braun is a great scientist, but he isnt my hero. John was stunned by that and later ends up watching Homer and the boys shoot their last rocket. For the first time John is completely behind his son. Looking at their experiences and the consequences they had taken, it really reflected to the theme of the movie. They would have never achieved any of their goals if they hadnt tried their hardest even against all the odds. Homer does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, he walked 8 miles off company property to test his rockets when his father banned him. He still had hope even when the boys were charges for starting a forest fire. And even after working in the mine Homer decided hed quit and continue rocketry, knowing his father would be disappointed. Miss Riley is very caring and understanding, and tries to help Homer and the boys in anyway she can. She motivates and believes in them, causing her to strive and do whatever it takes in the hope of achieving something. Even as she was laying in the deathbed. She did everything she could to support these boys. The best representation of this theme is when John Hickman didnt stop at anything to save the people from the mine, even if it meet risking his life. For he saved many lives from this action. All of them made sacrifices and had consequences but they all had good results. This story shows the achievement people made, with no hesitation to strive to make a difference.
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