Thursday, December 19, 2019
Friendship As A Small Group Of Friends - 853 Words
Friendship in Life Since I can remember I have always been a girl with a small group of friends. In my school years I would usually hang out with only 2-3 girls in my classroom, and it has always been that way ever since. I’m a very shy and quiet person; for that reason I’ve always preferred a small group of friends. Throughout the years, I’ve lost some friends on the way but I have also kept some good friends, and refer them more as best friends. Friendship has become a big part of my life, and it has taught me what friendship really is and who has been my real friends. Once I graduated from high school, I moved to Racine WI, to attend college and continue working as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. Thanks to that job, I met a girl that till this day has been a great friend; I can honestly say she’s like a sister to me. At first, we would just work together a couple times a week, but later on we began hanging out together outside of work. When that sta rted, I just began to trust her more and learned a lot from her in how she is. Since I met her, she’s the type of girl who can easily be talked to, she would get you comfortable talking to her and she would always make you laugh at the moment you meet her. She’s very outgoing girls who even though we have been through a lot together we have managed to still continue being great friends. After knowing her for a couple years we became closer and closer, we have our differences, but we have learned a lot from each other.Show MoreRelatedCommunication and Friendship1593 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween the two main characters is a friendship, which begins with one boy who is desperate for friends and another who is searching for The Sandlot’s last teammate. The friendship between Benny and Small’s is an accurate depiction of the development of friendship in real life. In the movie, Scotty Smalls (Smalls) moves to a new neighborhood. 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